Academic Information
General Rules
School Uniform
Girls: Royal Blue Tunic [below knee level], without slit and belt, Zip at the back, pocket inside seam and white shirt.
Boys: Navy Blue Trousers [Long], White Shirts, Black Belt
All students must wear black leather shoes and plain white socks without any lace.
During Winter, only the Navy Blue Cardigans designed with School Logo must be worn by both boys and girls.No other Cardigans are permitted. Students should not wear coloured vests under their school and sports shirts. Only white vests are allowed.
Note: Girls/Boys
Costume jewellery, wrist bands, make up, nail polish should not be worn for School. Nails are to be kept short. Highlighting / Bleaching Hair/ using Gel are not allowed.
Hair should be neatly tied with blue/black band. A pair of stud ear rings only is allowed. (GIRLS).
Boys – should keep short hair and use no Gel.
Sports Uniform
Sports Uniform for both Boys and Girls consist the following:
Navy Blue Track Pants with two narrow white stripes on both the sides.
Sports shirts and Sports caps according to "house colour ."
Full white socks upto the knees. .
Full white sports shoes ( football & basketball shoes must be carried separately on Sports Day only).
In winter boys and girls may wear a full white track pant and girls may wear full white “high stockings”.